We Need Your Help!

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Foong Lian Food Bank

从二月份二零二一年开始, 丰年食物银行活动在为深受新冠肺炎流行病毒影响的人们提供食物和商品援助。所有捐赠的食物和商品都在很短的时间内分发完毕。

Since Febraury 2021, Foong Lian Food Bank Campaign has donated merchandise to feed the poor greatly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. All of the food and merchandise have been distributed in a short time span.

我们的社区现在正面临着贫困、收入损失、失业,我们希望在这个绝望时期他们能得到帮助。 在我们积极为有需要的人提供援助的同时,我们也希望得到您的支持与帮助,使我们的努力得以更进一步。

While we actively provide necessities for the poor, we need your support help to make our efforts go even further! Our community is facing poverty, loss of income, unemployment and we want to help them during this desperate times.


Together, we can help solve the current pressing situation. Your support is crucial to our efforts.


If you are able, we’d love it if you could make a donation of any amount to help us achieve our mission above.


Thank you in advance for your contribution. Your donation will go toward setting up a fund to accomplish the bigger objectives.

Foong Lian Food Bank

Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated.

Personal Info

To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps::

Through your Internet Banking App make payment to our account as follow:

银行 / Bank:                        RHB
帐户名称 / A/C Name:      Kedai Kopi dan Makanan Foong Lian
帐号 / A/C Number:           2-14192-1014875-6

在参考栏里,只需填入 Food Bank - Pudu
On the reference, just put in Food Bank -Pudu.

或者 / OR

使用任何支持 DuitNow QR 的应用程序(例如/ TnG 电子钱包、MayBank 2U 或 RHB 移动应用程序)扫描以下二维码进行捐赠.

Use whatever app (eg./ TnG e-wallet, MayBank 2U or  RHB mobile app) that support DuitNow QR to scan the following QR code to make donation.

We will send the instructions to your email too for you to refer it later.

Your donation is greatly appreciated!

Donation Total: RM1.00